Growing up we watched television and fell in love with some of the people that we saw. Some of us wanted to BE like the people they saw and have everyone love them like a celebrity. It used to be that being an entertainer with a talent was the only way to be highly-visible. A lot of women feel a kindred spirit with Marilyn Monroe. For me, as soon as I saw Dorothy Dandridge in Carmen Jones… SHE was my kindred spirit.

Now people feel a connection with reality tv stars, Instagram stars, YouTube stars… and a talent is not necessarily attached to those type of stars, yet they are visible. As an Entrepreneur, visibility for the sake of being seen is not valuable if it is not monetized. A test of true influence is whether you can get the masses to buy from you -NOT just “love” your picture or comment in agreement on your personal opinion.

I shudder a little in physical pain when I see fellow Entrepreneurs use their time and energy to be routine with Facebook Lives, blogs, etc… BUT they never ask for the sale and never tell people how to work with them. Now that’s not to say that you should not do a live stream, blog or other social media content without selling every time. Every interaction shouldn’t be about selling as the focal point. However, it does mean if you never ever ask for the sale or make it easy for people to know how to work with you, then you are hustling backwards.

Building relationships online with content is work. Not only is it work, but some either don’t know how to do it or are scared to do it. So, I love that Entrepreneurs are willing to get out there and create content. I just hate when there isn’t a strategy behind it that eventually leads to increased sales.

For those still doing the work to boldly ask for the sale, here are three simple, starter tips to at least give interested parties access to who you are and how you help when you do not tell them in vocally:

  • Use your Facebook Business Page as your “job” in the profile of your Facebook Profile Account
  • Make it elementary student clear who you are and how you help in your “about” and/or “bio” sections of your social media profiles
  • If you do free consults/discovery calls, have that link in the “about” and/or “bio” sections of all of your social media profiles.

Doing just these three things will allow those reading, watching, or listening to your content to at least easily find out who you are, who you help, and how you help with your services and/or products.

Here’s a tip that I just introduced with this blog post: use a byline type section at the end of all of your blog posts. See it below? That way your subject matter can be helpful without being salesy, but your content is still branded with information for those looking for what you sell. It doesn’t get in the way of the value I give with my content BUT people that find my content helpful do not have to work to figure out how to contact me or how to get started working with me without having to click around my multi-page website. One click, from right here, to my scheduler so we can talk about your needs. I can’t wait to get the data back on how well this new concept works to connect me with even more people who want my help.