Entrepreneurs get caught in the grips of self-doubt all the time and it can even be a hard-to-overcome struggle that keeps you from breaking through to the elusive six-figure revenue milestone. Due to that common struggle, it’s important that we dive in to discuss some of the negative mindsets that may be holding you back.

Fear of failure. Perfection has infiltrated the minds of most entrepreneurs. It makes them hesitate or even never bring into existence the service that will spread their gifts and help so many. The truth is that entrepreneurship is trial and error. Another truth is something I always say, “perfection without execution is an illusion.”

Solution: Embrace vulnerability and adopt a growth mindset. Focus on learning from when things go wrong and see them as part of the process for success. Reframe failure as feedback on the direction to go and not to go.

Lack of resilience. We’ve established that things will go wrong. Having things go wrong, over and over again… Hearing no to your offer, over and over again… Having more lessons than successes can chip away at your resiliency.  

Solution: Build your ability to withstand by developing coping strategies to handle challenges and setbacks. Maintain self-care and celebrate small wins, in addition to recognizing and focusing on your strengths.

Negative Self-Talk. Entrepreneurs are often surrounded by family, friends, and others that do not understand the choice to become an entrepreneur.  Out of love and fear, our loved ones can try to talk you out of your decision. They see it as not a stable choice and too much of a risk. That can be the external lack of support. But more impactful is what we tell ourselves. What words do we use to describe ourselves, our business, and our future? Negativity from the outside is one thing, but from the inside… much like water, can sink the entire ship.

Solution: Replace negative self-talk with evidence of your accomplishments. Invest in personal and professional development that can reinforce your belief in your ability to adapt and grow. Being in a community of other entrepreneurs can be invaluable as a supportive environment.

Scarcity Mindset. Some suffer from the impact of what if things do not work and others can be impacted by what happens if it does work. You can only be as successful as your mind allows -as you think you can be.

Solution: Create affirmations and speak them often to fill your mind with what can be. Cultivate an abundance mentality and embrace change.

If you need support with tackling mindset for reaching your first 6 figures in revenue, let’s talk. It’s FREE. ShaCannon.info/talk