When aspiring to your first 6 figures in revenue, often focus is on the obvious investments like brand, team, systems, and processes. However, there are overlooked factors that can make a significant difference in the path to success. They can create new avenues to money and harness untapped growth potential. Let’s dive into four often-forgotten investments that have the power to push businesses toward their revenue goals.

Personal Well-being. Entrepreneurship is demanding, both mentally and physically. Investing in your personal well-being is crucial to maintaining the right energy, focus, and overall impact. This includes daily, weekly, and monthly attention, touching self-care, movement, health, and the pursuit of happiness.  

Client Support. Referrals, testimonials, and repeat business are born from showing up in excellence for your current clients. Client support is often overlooked in favor of marketing to get more clients. However, providing prompt, meaningful service can give more of a return on investment than any other lead-generating activity.

Data & Analytics. Knowing your numbers is a battle for accounting, marketing, sales, and more. If you don’t have the time or know-how be sure that specialty vendors and contracts are requested to provide the analytics of their work and for internal data, hire someone to collect it so that you can analyze it. Data is for growth-oriented decisions.

Continuous Learning. To understand where and why you are stuck and even to stay ahead in business, it takes an investment to get needed information. Applying Googled tips and strategies to your business and expecting exponential growth, is like watching YouTube videos and expecting professional-level makeup artistry skills. You’ll pick up a few things but Hollywood won’t be calling for your services. You have to invest in filling the gap in your knowledge to fill the gap in where you are now and the goals you have for your revenue.

If you need support with figuring out how to make and apply these investments to reach your first 6 figures in revenue, let’s talk. It’s FREE. ShaCannon.info/talk