How To Get Money From Small Business Networking

How To Get Money From Small Business Networking

For over a year, I’ve consistently attended business conferences. With my attendance, I have always laid the groundwork for bringing in future revenue in the thousands. However, this conference it was my goal to leave the conference with “cash in hand” (more like...
The Changing Climate of Making Money

The Changing Climate of Making Money

  How small businesses are making money is changing in 2023 and is likely to continue in 2024. The drive to stand out from the crowd is garnering innovation that gives clients better choices, especially since the recession. Don’t get left behind. Consider adding...
Low-Ticket, High Reward

Low-Ticket, High Reward

Money AND time freedom is the goal. A great hack to achieve just that is to balance your active income with passive income. To learn more about what passive income is, go to a past article HERE. In a time where it takes a bit longer to create like, know, and trust to...
Psychology Of Sales: What & How?

Psychology Of Sales: What & How?

The psychology of sales refers to the understanding and application of psychological principles and tactics that are proven to influence potential clients to complete a purchase. It includes using knowledge of human behavior, emotions and triggers to create a high...
Marketing Words

Marketing Words

The words that you use in your marketing messaging matter because they have to connect and resonate with your ideal client. I once gave you a lot of resources for things to help you with your marketing messaging; check it out HERE. There are some amazing resources in...
Secrets To Selling Every Day Without Feeling Weird

Secrets To Selling Every Day Without Feeling Weird

For a lot of entrepreneurs, selling isn’t their forte’. You have an offer that people were willing to give you money for but when the time comes to market and sell the offer beyond your initial warm audience it starts to feel… well weird. Compound that feeling with...