Is Blogging Still Relevant?

Is Blogging Still Relevant?

I remember when blogging became popular. It started as like an online journal –people telling their stories or sharing information about hobbies. It wasn’t long before blogs began to be monetized. Companies were finding value in the audiences of these personal...
You’re Getting On Their Last Facebook Nerve: Part 1 of 2

You’re Getting On Their Last Facebook Nerve: Part 1 of 2

I’m not sure why people are still doing this bully, guerilla marketing on Facebook, but they are. Just like all press is not good press, all ways to get people to see your information on Facebook are NOT good ways. So stop it… JUST STOPPIT!! I’m not here to fuss –too...
Not Your Granddaddy’s Content

Not Your Granddaddy’s Content

First, let’s start with defining what is meant by “content”. In my definition, content is a body of information crafted into a message to attract a targeted audience. For the purposes of this post for entrepreneurs, the message is intended for potential clients as a...
Elevate Your Expertise

Elevate Your Expertise

People tend to believe being great at what they do is enough to gain a large client base. Truth is, being excellent at what you do, is NOT enough for people to come from everywhere to purchase your products and services – even if your products and services are...