Email Marketing Segmentation for Small Business

Email Marketing Segmentation for Small Business

Within our email marketing platforms, as we as contacts that have opted in to receive notification or delivery of something, in addition to ongoing emails from us, there lies the decision of lists vs tags. Lists are used to manage an organize subscribers into separate...
Breathing Life Into Your Small Business Email List

Breathing Life Into Your Small Business Email List

Business conversations have evolved, and nowhere is this more crucial to have these conversations than with your email list. Talking to your email list isn’t just about sending out promotions or updates; it’s about creating real connections, understanding...
How To Get Money From Small Business Networking

How To Get Money From Small Business Networking

For over a year, I’ve consistently attended business conferences. With my attendance, I have always laid the groundwork for bringing in future revenue in the thousands. However, this conference it was my goal to leave the conference with “cash in hand” (more like...
Creating Influence: The Blueprint

Creating Influence: The Blueprint

I’ve loved her from watching her HBO series Insecure and from her answer to the question referring to the 2017 Emmy Awards, “Who are you rooting for tonight?” when she responded, “I’m rooting for everybody Black.”  I have had the pleasure of seeing Issa Rae speak at a...
Bridging the Gap with Touchpoints

Bridging the Gap with Touchpoints

Not only does the research show that business owners need to “touch” a potential client at least 7 times before they will buy, but touchpoints are an important key in relationship building before and after the sale. Touchpoints serve as bridges that connect you and...