Business Management, Growth, Strategy
Entrepreneurship has become a fast-paced world where there is a rush to get an offer out and an even bigger rush to make money. The expectation is overnight success based on doing what you see others doing or what marketing and sales service-providers or coaches told...
CEO Sense™, Growth, Strategy
Keep it simple silly… well the original K.I.S.S. acronym said, “keep it simple stupid”. That is rude so we’ll rock with replacing the word stupid with the word silly. After all, it is silly to complicate what doesn’t have to be hard. I mean entrepreneurship is hard...
Growth, Marketing, Strategy, Tech
Not only does the research show that business owners need to “touch” a potential client at least 7 times before they will buy, but touchpoints are an important key in relationship building before and after the sale. Touchpoints serve as bridges that connect you and...